Okay, this isn't the update I promised you I'd give....but it's a post right?!
So there is a little addition to our family for a majority of the day....everyday.
Her name is Peyton...and I babysit her fulltime..so I thought. We had come up with $15 a day m-f. Well, fulltime to me was 8-5..ya know, like a regular work day. Well, it's NOT an 8hr day...which I wasn't at all expecting...which is fine...but not for 15 a day. She gets dropped off at my house at 6:45am, and gets picked up at 6:00pm. 11HRS!!!!! I'm expected to supply the food, drinks and she supplies diapers and wipes. With 11hrs, I am watching her longer..during dinner time now. I'm not experienced enough in knowing how much to charge....she said she is very flexible..I just need to let her know. Well what do I do...how much do I charge....Please help me!!!!
Peyton is 2 yrs old and has quite the sassy personality....I guess you could say she is like Madi...hmmm...so a hand full! :)
p.s. Bill is going dirt biking down in Mesquite, NV this Wed-Sun....so I will have plenty of evening time that I plan on updating the Blog per requests...Life has been busy.
You could do a set rate and have it be per day, rather than per hour. I'm not a babysitting pro either, but I would say at LEAST $10.00/hour. Maybe it's a lot, but it's hard work... PLUS, if you are supplying food and stuff, it's worth it. Or you could do per day and just say $85.00/day... in which it would be less expensive for them... but, make sure whatever you do that you are fairly compensated.
Of course, if this is close family or friends, then you could ask them about their finances and talk to them about what they can afford... but again, make sure you are fairly compensated.
Yeah, so that big ol' comment probably didn't offer much help... sorry. :)
Hope you guys are doing well!
I would at least charge her $2.50 an hour or more if you are suppling all the food. That is sure a long day!!!!
I agree with Misty. I was going to say about $25 a day . I think that Misty's is closer to $30 a day. I think that sounds fair. Tell her you thought it was going to be a 9-5 job and since it's not you feel that $2.50 an hour would be more appropriate. Let her do the math but make sure she comes up with same number as you.
Is Bill going biking with the clan down here? That's where they are going too. How fun. To bad you're not closer to the rest of us who get to stay behind with the kids. :(
I also agree with the $2.50 an hr. kids are easier to handle when they are around other kids, but its still a hard job! I agree with
Leslie on 25-30$ a day.
Oh wow. 15$ is not enough. I would charge NO less that 3$ per hour, plus the cost of food. I pay my 12 year old babysitter 4$ for one kid!! I would go 35$ a day at the very least. People usually pay somewhere between 3 and 4$ per hour at a daycare.
Carrie Yost
Ok, I know I don't have kids, but I have lots of babysitting experience. And I guess I always say that I'll be the mom that pays very well, because if you pay your babysitters good, they'll be more willing to babysit. And I think in your case, since you're babysitting pretty much ALL day, you should just do a day rate. You're using your own food and supplies too! I'd say like $50 or $60 a day...and that's on the low scale! I agree with your friend Ashley, you need to be fairly compensated.
Ok, I just noticed something. Your thingie on the side of your blog, that says the last time people posted something on their blogs, is wrong...at least for us. I guess when you go private, those things don't work. Cuz I've done like a million posts since we've gone private. Weird...
Hey Jenni! What a dilema! (sp) So, my rule of thumb is this. When I ask someone to babysit my kids, I pay only $2 to $2.50 per child per hour. However! If you're providing meals, I think I'd charge that separate, maybe an additional $3 per meal, because how much can a 2-yr old really eat? This is one reason I shy away from watching other peoples kids. Good luck, hope it works out!
Jenny I don't know how you do it! I would not have the patience to watch someone elses child ALL day long for 15 bucks an hour?! Man, thats probably about how much food costs for her. You definitely need to up your price. I think that she should know that she is totally taking advantage of you. She shouldn't be surprised when you tell her that you are charging more. I would go with at least $30 a day. Good luck with that!
I called a place today and asked how much to drop off kids for one day they had a $30 rate for 2yrs old $45 rate for 5 years old. That is from 6:30am to 6:30pm and they feed them meals. You probably already figured this out but I thought I would let you know!
Cute header! I'll send you an invite to the ones that I have been keeping up but some I need to update and what not :)
Hey I need your e-mail to send you an invite -k-!
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